I can not believe how quickly March flew by! Can I get an amen?!
March has been a busy month, full of lots of birthdays and weddings! But my excitement really started on February 29th when I found myself riding home in THIS!
Yep, I got a new car. Isn't she beautiful?! I felt like I was breaking about 100 rules driving her off the lot. Am I really old enough to buy a new car?! Anyway, she is a 2012 Jetta SEL which basically just means she is smarter than I am. Awesome. I love her! Ashley has appropriately named her Katniss, which I fully support.
I started off the month of March by celebrating the birthday of one of my favorite people, Miss Emily Caldwell!
Such an occasion definitely called for the Happy Birthday banner :)
I also spent a lot of time in Fort Worth helping my cousin plan her wedding! She was married on March 18th, but unfortunately, I did not take any pictures! I did, however, manage to get a picture with my favorite little 2-year-old!
My boss was a judge in the Texas Wedding Guide Cake Competition this year, so I dragged my roommate Emily along with me to check out the best cakes in Dallas. It was SO much fun to see the elaborate cakes, not to mention, taste them all! I think Em and I could get used to eating wedding cake for dinner!
This is the cake that won. AMAZING!
During the weekend of my cousin's wedding, I also had 2 OTHER weddings for work. 3 weddings in 3 days. Crazy!! But my sweet mom came to town a day early to help me organize my room/life and do all my laundry. She is such an angel on this earth. We both took of work on Monday and spent the day being lazy and did a little shopping. Such a fun weekend!
One night, I met up with my bestie Amanda and her little sister Holly who was on Spring Break and came to Dal for a visit. It was so nice to catch up with my favorite sisters at one of my favorite Dallas places, Sfuzzi's!
One of the most exciting things that has happened recently was definitely the premiere The Hunger Games! A few weeks ago, Ashley and I bought our tickets for the midnight premiere and I have been SO excited. I was never on the Harry Potter or Twilight bandwagon, so this was the first big movie I have been excited about. It was SOOOOO GOOD! I absolutely loved it. Ash and I even got matching Hunger Games cups at the theater with about 140 13 year olds. Incredible.
And of course, what would March be without a little March Madness bracket challenge with the old man?! My dad and I always make brakets for the men's and women's NCAA tournaments and this year we actually bet on something. The men's bracket loser has to make a weekend trip to see the winner and the women's bracket loser has to purchase something for the winner with a $50! I was banking on winning both brackets, obvi, but now my chances are a little slim.

Come on KANSAS and MARYLAND!! :)
How did that Bracket thing work out.....Will be looking forward to your visit and my gift.