Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is a special day to me. Just a few years ago (you're welcome, Mom, for not saying how many) my sweet mom was born on this day. And, boy am I thankful she was.

My mom is great. Seriously great. She is the most loving, hard-working, supportive, loyal and honest person that I know. I want to be like her in so many ways. She has provided me with everything that I have ever needed. And when money couldn't buy it, she was a shoulder to cry on, or someone to laugh so hard you cry with.

When I was growing up, sometimes I would get a little depressed about not having any brothers or sisters. You know, every kid wants someone to play with, tell secrets with etc. Now, looking back, I am so glad I didn't! Because that meant my mom was mine. ALL mine. She played with me, listened to my secrets, pulled jokes on me, drove me crazy and became my very best friend.

I love so many things about my mom. I love the way she can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I love how, even on her most stressful days, she can take time to talk to me on the phone. I love the way she loves my dad so many years later. I love how she takes spontaneous trips. I love how she takes leaps of faith and blindly follows the Lord's direction. I love the way she thinks I am hilarious. I love how great of a friend she is to her friends. I love how she has always been supportive of my dreams and goals (even when those included becoming a worldwide singing sensation). Most of all, I love the way she loves the Lord with her whole heart.

I LOVE YOU MOM! So thankful God gave us each other. Hope your birthday is the best one yet!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Movie Theater Marathon

You guys. I have been so excited to post about this.
Every year, my mom and I say we want to watch every movie nominated for Best Picture at the Oscar's. Every year comes and goes, and we are lucky if we have seen one of the movies. Pathetic. This year, we decided it was they year! So, a few weekends ago, I went home for the weekend and my parents had the whole weekend planned.

We had an itinerary. Every minute by minute planned. 3 movies the first day in Lawton and Wichita Falls. 4 movies the second day in Oklahoma City and Lawton. Popcorn, pickles, candy, and lots of diet coke added to the mix made for one of the BEST weekends I have ever had. Here is the recap:

We started the weekend off with Ides of March on Pay Per View. I really liked it! I mean, I could have done without the cussing every other word, but I still enjoyed it.
Then, we packed up and headed to Wichita Falls to see Iron Lady. The movie wasn't my favorite in the world, but the story was super interesting and Meryl Streep was excellent.
When we got home, my dad and I stayed up and watched Moneyball. It was a little slow, but the movie, overall, was pretty good. I can get on board with any movie with Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill. (Also, it was so late, we forgot to take a picture)

The next morning, my mom and I woke up early and went to OKC to see Descendants. It was definitely my favorite movie of the weekend. It was very sweet, but funny and George Clooney was surprisingly great in it. I would definitely see it again.
The next movie was The Artist. The fact that my mom and I saw a silent movie was just hysterical. The movie was actually really good. Great, actually. I really enjoyed it and could easily follow the storyline. Definitely a good pick.
Even though this movie isn't nominated for an Oscar (although, they should really reconsider..) we squeezed in time to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D. This is seriously one of my favorite Disney movies ever!! And it was even better in 3D. Loved it.

To end our movie marathon, we saw Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I LOVE TOM HANKS. And if someone could have told me he was in the move for about 53 seconds, I wouldn't have had to waste my time seeing it. Not my fav. By far.
THAT'S IT! 7 movies in 2 days. That has to be some kind of record. I can definitely cross movie theater marathon off my bucket list. And my dad even won me a little blue teddy bear from one of the claw machines. Such a perfect keepsake.

Now, I still have 3 movies to see to see all the Best Picture nominated movies! Stay tuned...


I spent most of my days on the computer. Looking at emails, websites, blogs etc. And inevitably, find things that are 1. WAY out of my price range 2. Something I could never pull off. I found this bangle from Kate Spade that I am seriously loving. If it was about $80 cheaper, it would be possession.

Something else I am loving? Law and Order SVU. Why has this show just entered my life? My roommate is obsessed with SVU, so whenever there is a late night marathon, it is on our tv. And I am not complaining one bit. In my next life, I will be Olivia Benson.

Last week, some of our sweet wedding planner friends sent us a special treat at work. If you haven't had Tiff's Treats, you HAVE to try them. They deliver warm cookies (and I mean straight from the oven warm) anywhere in Dallas. And they even have cold milk. What is better than that? It was such a special surprise, and I will definitely be using them in the future.

Hope all my obsessions make you as happy as they make me. Happy Wednesday!